Reconditioning of the Mind

Created by Judy Peters 12 years ago
With Sheldon on my mind heavily for the last few days there is a story that I would like to share with you about him... I was going to teach Sheldon how to drive a 5 speed pickup. So we get into the vehicle with me driving out into the country. He watched every move that I made and he was so ready to get behind the wheel. He informed me that his biggest fear was stopping on a hill. So we found a hill to maneuver on. With Sheldon behind the wheel we got half way and he stopped. Now comes the tough part. As he began to start again the truck would either go dead, jump, or began to roll backwards. It was so funny to both of us until Sheldon got serious and we were almost in a ditch. Then he just stopped trying and closed his eyes. I said "What are you doing?" He said, "I am reconditioning my mind." After that moment I wish that you all could have witnessed that truck pulling up that hill. Jump, Jump, Jump. Then we rolled to the bottom of the hill and he began all over. Once he had conquered that task he was ready to go. He only drove a short distance down the road before he stopped and we both began to laugh at the situation. I can still see him now. We drove around the rest of the day with Sheldon behind the wheel until he felt very confident driving a manual transmission. That was not a big task for such a brilliant handsome young man. I will always remember Sheldon this way. I love and miss Sheldon but I know that he is at peace.